Türkiye – Summer Hit

This is an eastern country surrounded by three seas – black, Mediterranean and Aegean. The sun is hot, covering the body with a magnificent bronze tan. Most tourists go to rest in Turkey in order to spend time on golden beaches, drinking soft cocktails. But you need to visit it not only for such a vacation, but in order to fully enjoy two of the seven miracles of light – this is the mausoleum located in Gelicarnas and the temple of Artemis, located in Ephesus, the Greek city, which is located in the country. Istanbul has a famous Bosphorus bridge that connects Europe and Asia. Therefore, in the country there are traditions and customs of a European nature. But this does not prevent Turkey from maintaining some uniqueness. For example, local men have an ancient custom, when meeting to kiss each other on the cheek. For Europeans, this moment will seem strange, as they are used to saying, shaking each other. Even from Turkey, such a divine drink as coffee came to Europe, and she gave tulips Holland. For connoisseurs of exquisite kitchen, Turkey is perfect, because it is here that you can try a variety of culinary masterpieces, which you can fall in love once and for all. The Turks are large fans of meat, which they extinguish with vegetables and which must be served with pilaf. And they also love yogurts that are served to almost every dish. And delightful yogurt soups with aromatic seasonings will not allow anyone to resist and make you sit at the table for a very long time. Therefore, for local residents, food is considered a whole ritual, up to 6 hours. And after acute and piquant spices, you must eat delightful desserts, real oriental sweets, such as Marmelad, Marcipan and Rahat-Lukum, who want to enjoy again and again. Now, almost everyone can afford a boxing tour of Türkiye. You can come here to the whole family, and the children will give an extraordinary joy to children. It would seem so amazing, unlike other countries, she beckons and beckons to herself. And the prices will pleasantly please. Rest here is available for any. Beautiful attractions, unique traditions, golden beaches, all this will undoubtedly give magical and fabulous Turkey. And finally, you can not worry that here the locals will not understand tourists. On the contrary, no matter what it is said, everything is understood here, there are simply no language barriers here and in many hotels the staff speaks Russian.