Austria: The wealth of nature and cultural traditions

Austria is a small country in Central Europe, which borders on Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Liechtenstein. Its area is only 83,850 square kilometers, and the eastern Alps occupy a very significant part of the territory. Mount Grosglokner with a height of 3797 meters is the highest point of the country. And in Austria there is a famous Danube river, sung by many composers and artists, and one of the largest glaciers in Europe – Parsez.

Natural attractions of Austria

To visit this wonderful country, it is not at all necessary to purchase a tour – you can go on a trip by car or even buy a minibus for more comfort of the whole family. Each tourist here will conquer not only magnificent routes of ski resorts, but also the beauty of lakes, mountain peaks, forests, picturesque landscapes, alpine villages, old castles and cities with cozy old streets, museums and monuments. And how many impressions will a visit to the Icerizenvelt cave with her “world of ice giants” will give!

Austria is famous for the whole world not only ski resorts, but also well -being. Probably, there is no such person who would not hear the word Baden – the name of the place where healing sulfuric sources are located. And not far from Salzburg there is a very famous thermal resort of Bad-Gastein in Europe. Many national parks attract tourists with exciting routes both in the winter and summer season. Well, about how incredible purity any village or city of Austria differs, legends go! Everyone who has visited here will certainly want to return and continue to get acquainted with this surprisingly hospitable country!

Vienna is an incredible combination of traditions and modernity

In the capital of Austria there are many monuments, museums, palaces, castles and monasteries, parks and other historical attractions. The main shrine and a symbol of not only the capital, but the whole country is the Cathedral of St. Stefan. You should definitely visit Hofburg – a treasury with the crowns of emperors, the palace and the Belveder Garden and the summer residence of the Emperors Schenbrunn. Visit the building of the town hall and parliament, the Albertin Gallery, in the Prater and Augarten parks, in the chapel of St. Bernard, the oldest Benedictine monastery Admont.

In Vienna is the Museum of the History of Arts, known for its collection of arts and jewelry of the Roman Empire and the richest exposition of paintings by famous German, Italian and Dutch artists. The entire atmosphere of the city is literally saturated with music – here, they were inspired and created their immortal works Strauss, Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin. The orchestra of the metropolitan Philharmonic is considered the best in the world, and Vienna Opera is one of the leading theaters of the planet!

Do not deny yourself pleasure, because visiting Austria is a real holiday both for lovers of outdoor activities and arts of art!