How many cities are there in Turkey?

The total area of ​​this state, seven hundred and eighty -one thousand square kilometers. The capital of Turkey, Ankara. In the West, its territory is washed by the Aegean Sea. There is a Black Sea in the north. The northwestern boundaries are washed by the marble sea. In the south of the country, Mediterranean Sea. It was recently calculated how many cities are in Turkey, with a population of more than seven thousand people. There were six hundred and thirty such cities. In the east, it borders on Armenia, Georgia and Iran. In the West, Türkiye has a common border with Bulgaria and Greece. With Syria and Iraq, she borders in the south. Türkiye is divided into or, there are only eighty -one. Each silt has areas. In total, they have nine hundred twenty -three districts. Nowadays, it is easy to find out how many cities in Turkey, as well as other settlements. There are a huge number of different reference books in any countries, not counting the encyclopedia. There are many resorts in Turkey. The most popular: Alania, Ankara, Antalya, Belek, Istanbul, Bodrum, Dimim, Izmir, Kusadasy and others. Russians fly there to rest, even more often than in Egypt. In Turkey, a favorable climate, a lot of greenery. The temperature even in winter does not drop below fourteen degrees of heat.