Snorcling in the Maldives

To visit the Maldives and not enjoy the beauty of the underwater world of the ocean is simply impossible. One of the main entertainment for tourists here is a snorkeling – immersion and swimming with a mask and flippers. Already at a depth of 5 meters, you feel like a huge aquarium with exotic fish and picturesque corals. The rich Flora and Faun of the Maldives forces to return here lovers of professional snorkeling and diving again and again.

Not far from the coast is the well -known sandy lagoon, the reef flat bottom of which rests on the steep slopes of coral reefs. This place is very interesting for immersion, thanks to the huge number of small caves, slopes and protrusions. How to look at and watch the life of the inhabitants of the ocean. In the Maldives there are giant turtles, sharks reaching 2 meter lengths, slopes and, of course, flocks of frolic dolphins. The most ordinary inhabitants of the ocean are red sea stars, lazily lying at the bottom, huge lobsters, predatory moraines, octopuses, karakatitsa and exotic fish will no longer surprise by the end of the rest, but will be old, good friends. Multi -colored living corals, so attracting to touch them, but it is better not to do this, in order to avoid trouble, and even more so, do not climb into the reef.

In places of rest, where there are no picturesque reefs, trips to the islands or other places rich in underwater fauna and flora are regularly organized. The island of Kudu is famous for his snork, there, you can even observe the sunken ships. The unpredictability of the ocean bottom will undoubtedly captivate – sharp cliffs and suddenly arising reefs. On the islands, several options for swimming with a mask, accompanied by a professional guide, are proposed. You can go to Safari snorkeling – a trip for several days on a yacht through various reefs. I gained its popularity and night snorcling – diving in the light of the moon and observing the underwater world under the spotlight of a special lantern, leaves an unforgettable impressions.

It is not difficult to learn to immerse yourself with a mask, everyone can take a short training course with an instructor in the pool or in shallow water. The main thing is to choose the right equipment, it is better to take care of this in advance or purchase a kit here in the resort. Choose flippers and a mask should consult with specialists in the store. You should not forget the creams from the sun of a high degree of protection, for greater safety you can buy a special suit or simple T -shirt. So, you can enjoy snorking throughout the vacation.