Tours to Dusseldorf and Dresden

Advanced tourists know that rest in Dusseldorf is a unique opportunity to visit the Media Gawani, as well as the longest bar in the world. The first is a complex of buildings on the site of the old harbor, in which the offices of various media are located. The second is the area in the center of the Old City in Dusseldorf, as well as part of the Rhine embankment, where cafe, restaurants, bars are located at every step. The old city is not only a geographical, historical and cultural center in Dusseldorf, but also the place of production of dark beer Altbir. The name of the city is formed from the name of the river, on the banks of which it is founded – Dussel. This river flows in the middle of the main street of the city – Royal Alley or Boulevard Kyo. On one of the shores of the channel there are numerous business centers, on the other-shops, boutiques, shopping shops.

For traveling in Germany, an integral part of the excursion program are tours to Dresden, which differ in their content and duration. This city is also called “Florence on Elbe”. This is the largest transport, industrial and cultural center in Germany. As in all German cities, the center of Dresden is an old city, almost completely destroyed in the last year of World War II. For more than half a century, the restoration of buildings of the old city has been carried out. Dresden among tourists is known as the Center for Culture and Art of Germany. The largest specific gravity among the city guests is occupied by Russians, Italians and Americans. Dresden’s geographical location makes him an ideal starting point of many tourist routes both around German cities and neighboring states.

Dresden is famous for various museums, galleries, castles and other architectural monuments and meetings of works of art. Among its attractions, the Hygiene Museum, originated as a social project for the promotion of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle among various segments of the population at the beginning of the last century. Here is the most beautiful dairy store around the world – Popular Dairy shop “PFUNS MILKARY”. In addition to visiting attractions, rest in Dresden can be combined with participation in cultural events. In May, this is an international festival for music in blues and jazz named Dixieland. In August, the city Day is celebrated on a grand scale. And from the second half of November, up to Catholic Christmas, the popular Christmas market in the European Union has been operating.