Mountains of Vardar Macedonia

The terrace relief is most pronounced in Shumadia. The terraces located at different altitudes are separated here by steep ledges – coastal cliffs, individual exaltation with the protrusions of crystalline breeds awarded with erosion are raised above the surfaces of the terraces. Terras are also well expressed on the western slopes of the East Serbian mountains, in the valley r. Morava, on the southern slopes of the bear near. Zagreba and in the area of ​​g. Carlovats. The Serbian Highlands-the northern part of the ancient Pel-Gon massif, occupies the southern, or old, Serbia between R. Western Morava and the Macedonian border, sharing the vast tectonic cavities-Nish-Lescho-Vatsky and Kosovo-Metokhia. Metamorphic shales compassionate with powerful granite intrusions are divided by a system of faults into separate blocks. The raised blocks formed medium -consuming ridges of various extensions, and the omitted – the depressions between them. The highest ridge of the highlands – Kopaonik – stretches for 100 km along the right bank p. Ibara, reaching at the top of the Suvo-Rudishche height 2 017 m.

It is composed of crystalline shales, gabbro and granites; These breeds are composed of terrible uplifts of almost meridional extension, limited by faults. On a large western break, powerful outpourings of Andesites occurred, which are associated with the formation of deposits of non -ferrous metals ore deposits. In the southern part of the highlands, the ridges of the Golyak-Plaiyain (1,300 m) and Petrova Gora (1,409 m) are distinguished, in the northern-the hay hawk (1,492 m), and east of P. South Morava-the border ridge of Milevsk Planin (1,733 m). Deep tectonic basins within the highlands and along its outskirts-Kosovo Field, Metokhia, Nish-Lesko-Vatskaya and others-in Neogene and at the beginning of the quarter period were filled with lakes that formed well-expressed terraces on the slopes of the mountains. A number of tectonic basins, connected by deep and narrow gorges, are the valleys of the rivers of the South and Western Morava. Valley r. Ibara is laid along the fault that limits the Kopaonik Range from the west.

Suggest that in Pliocene in place p. Ibara two rivers flowed: one – south to the lake pool of Kosovo Fields, the other – north in the Pannonsky basin. A decrease in the level of the Pannon basin and at the same time raising the Serbian Highlands caused the intensive cutting of the northern river, which intercepted the upper course of the south. At this time, the RO gorge formed. Ibara, crashed into a wide ancient valley. The formation of basins was accompanied by faults and manifestations of volcanism, the echoes of which are felt and now. Near Novi-Pazar, the ancient volcano of Turiev Stupovi rises, destroyed volcanic cones are also available on the outskirts of the Kosovo-Metokhia basin. The powerful hot source of g is widely known. A doctor with a temperature up to 90 °.