Newfoundland – fishing island

On the east coast of Canada is the wonderful island of Newfoundland.

In the West, it has a mountainous area, and its coastline consists of many bays. The territory of the island has a large number of lakes and swamps. Almost the entire area is occupied by coniferous forests, only in the north there is a tundra.

There are two national parks in Newfoundland, and local residents prefer to engage in forestry and fishing. The first inhabitants of the island are the Indians. These places visited the Vikings to trade with the local population. Here, even memos about Norwegian settlements have been preserved here. The first European expedition visited here in 1497.

After that, the British, the French and the Irish began to come here. In 1949, Canada joined the territory of this island. To date, those people whose relatives at the time live here, when a great immigration in Canada began, settled here, they went to find new lands for life.

More than 120 days for the whole year there are foggy days. Climate on the island of sea, very cold and humid. Throughout the year, a sharp wind blows, which often goes into storms. Summer on the island is rainy, cool and very short, and winter is very frosty with a lot of snow.

In the south-east of the island, a large Newfoundland bank is located, which is famous for its large amount of fish production in the entire world ocean. Near the coast you can see the icebergs and floating whales floating nearby. Tourists can have a great time visiting local national parks, historical places and reserves.

The rampant relief has a pronounced river valley, this suggests that the area was not so long ago flooded by the sea. Large islands separate from each other, bays that penetrate deeply into the coast itself. We can say that the whole island is one large hilly plateau. Traces of glaciers in the area appear throughout the territory of almost the entire territory.

This is evidenced by the valleys processed by glaciers, the accumulations of moraine, rocky protrusions and ice stroke on them. Thanks to the glacial form of relief, local mountains look like real highlands. Coniferous forests grow in the southwestern part of the island, the other part is filled with swamps, meadows and tundra. Due to strong winds, as well as cold climate, local forests are very poorly restored in such conditions.

The largest forests of forests are located near the valleys of large rivers, along the banks of the bays, and the southern slopes. In the forests you can see a birch, white and black spruce, a balsamic fir, a blue, Canadian Kizil, moss and sheep laurel. The real wealth of Newfoundland is the fish supply of coastal waters, so fishing is considered the main type of activity of local residents. Local residents settle in protected from the wind, comfortable places along the shores of the bays. The internal parts of the island, since they are not inhabited before and are deserted.