Rhodes. Greece

Greece is one and the few places where everyone wants to go to relax. And it’s not sacred, because in this country there is not only a wonderful climate, but also chic landscapes that attract tourists with their beauty. And the numerous architectural monuments, known throughout the world and do not need to be presented at all.

But there is one place in Greece, such a paradise, having arrived in which, I no longer want to go back home, but always enjoy the calm and comfort that the local landscape gives. This is a wonderful place – the island of Rhodes. It is located in the east of the Aegean Sea, 18 kilometers southeast of the border of Turkey.

The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of this island is the Rhodes Colossus is a legendary statue dedicated to the God of the Sun Helios, which is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Rhodes is also a city of snow -white churches, clean blue sea, honey, olive, colorful butterflies and mountain springs. It can be safely argued that this country of evergreen plants, which, even in the case of drought, will be fed by numerous springs that are common throughout Rhodes.

A large number of different hotels will open before a tourist who came to the tour of Rhodes. The choice of housing, as well as its location on the island, is very diverse. You can find a villa with a azure pool, or you can – a family inexpensive hotel. In general, a lot has been done here for a family vacation: many playgrounds have been built, there are excellent diverse children’s and adult beaches, spa, developed infrastructure.

In general, this is a great resting place, both for a noisy company and for romantics who love solitude.

Rhodes is a wonderful place for wedding ceremonies. Many young couples are engaged here precisely here.

The water on the Rhodes is very warm and clean. Therefore, you need to swim. Well, if it is raining once, then know that the next day the bright sun will be shining the next day. If you swim and sunbathe in the sun tired, then safely organize an excursion on this rich in events and monuments of history to the island.

Here are the famous Greek architectural monuments, such as acropolis in Lindos, temples in Rhodes, Camiros ruins and Roman terms of Califehi. In addition, you can see the majestic fortresses: the monolithos castle, which is located on a steep cliff and, of course, the capital of the island, Rhodes, which is a fortress city erected by the John.

Fans of silence and tranquility should visit the natural reserves of the island: “Seven Sources” located on the slopes of the mountain or “Blobo Valley”. These reserves are saturated through the ancient traditions of Kolossyan, as the Rhodes call themselves. According to legend, in the “sources” there is a tunnel, passing through which, you can remove all sins from yourself. And in the “Valley” there is a Roman bench that fulfills your desires. Legend says that it belonged to the exile to Rhodes, the Roman emperor Tiberius.

Travels to Rhodes are very popular among tourists around the world: they are interesting to both ordinary inhabitants and people of art and history, who are attracted here by the opportunity to see and feel the spirit of ancient civilization.

In general, whoever you are, and what goals did not pursue on Rhodes, know that you will leave this place if not with tears in your eyes, then definitely with a stone on your heart.