Surfing is a different life

I often want to change something and turn over in my life. Permanent work, problems, the same landscape outside the window and the gray ordinary are so boring, but I want emotions and explosions of feelings. Especially such thoughts are often visited with the advent of spring. Of course, one could, and fall in love, then the fountain of emotions would stir up all the feelings and thoughts, but somehow “by order” does not work. Once, looking at the tourist resources of the Internet, I came across a page with the most beautiful and tempting sandy beaches, an amazingly exciting sea and waves. So I wanted to immediately be there, inside this beauty.

As you know, if a person really wants, he is looking for opportunities, and if not, then excuses. So I immediately started looking. The usual vacation in the form of “herd” walking, led by a guide poorly speaking Russian, was immediately. I also did not want to just wallow on the beach and walk along standard embankments of resort cities. Drawn to impressions, drive and extreme. The choice fell on vacation windsurfing. I have long wanted to learn something new and impressive. And skiing on a surf is just the very business that excites blood and human imagination, especially when it turns out when it turns out to saddle the wave and control the wind. You feel almost omnipotent. No wonder for the ancient Polynesians this occupation combined in itself as sport, so art and religion.

By the way, surfing for a long time among island residents was considered a noble occupation. Since only rulers and noble persons could afford to become higher than the wave and curb the sea. Not only special beaches and waves were selected for them, but even the boards were created by hereditary shape and according to secret technology. Like Europeans, the details of the costume, so among the inhabitants of the coast, the board was an indicator of nobility. For example, the length of the ruler’s boards reached 5-7 meters, and the ordinary settler did not exceed their skill athletes could demonstrate in competitions that were usually held in honor of local religious holidays.

I was surprised by a wide variety in this sport. I faced such concepts as:

· Tow-in-surfing is a board with loops specially invented for legs, which makes it possible to be in the air longer, excluding an accidental fall. And also with the help of such a board you can saddle the largest wave, in the presence of towing;

· Бодибординг – серфинг в лежачем положении, когда человек лежит на короткой и достаточно мягкой доске;

Bodierfing – where the main tool is the body of the surf. Flashes on the legs and a manual glove make it possible to raise your head.

Now I know where and how you can spend your free time so that new emotions are completely choking.