How to avoid troubles in London.

During any, even the most carefully planned trip, you may not be very pleasant events. Of course, I always want to avoid unnecessary unrest and hustle and bustle, but what if the failure has already befallen you? How to solve all kinds of problems during a trip to London? If you suddenly forgot or did not have time to book a hotel room, don’t worry. Even in the most stormy tourist season in London hotels there are free places. And so that you do not have to wander throughout the city, contact the racks of hotel bureaus at the station or at the airport. There you will be offered possible options according to your requests and capabilities. Please note that when you search for a number, you can get a discount of more than 50% of the original cost. If you aroused the interest of the police, do not worry. If you are not a terrorist or a runaway criminal, you have nothing to fear. Do not show aggression or resist. Listen carefully to law enforcement workers and politely answer the questions that interests them. When a policeman asks for a passport, you are not required to provide the original – there will be enough photocopy with a photo and visa to confirm the personality. If you are going to arrest you, it’s better not to resist. First of all, contact the Russian embassy. There you will be answered to any questions and provide the necessary assistance. It’s better not to argue with the police, you won’t achieve anything good, just cause unnecessary suspicions and hostility. For violation of the rules of the road, you are unlikely to be arrested – they will rather write out a receipt and a fine. But, in any case, before going to another country, all the more so strict as England, it is better to study local legislation. In order not to be a victim of criminals yourself, some rules of behavior must be followed. This applies primarily to protection against pickpockets and unclean sellers. Do not carry too large bills with you, pay in the markets and small shops if possible without delivery. Try to look collected and be careful. Do not leave your things, especially expensive equipment, unattended. It is better to open documents and certificates, and store the originals in the hotel. But if you are still unlucky, and you were a victim of scammers, immediately contact the police. This incident will testify there, allowing you to contact the insurance agency. Having lost documents or credit card, also go to the police. In case of loss of documents, inform the embassy, ​​credit card – to the branch of your bank. But still, in order to calmly and without unnecessary excitement, spend a vacation in London, it is best to observe local laws, as well as be careful and attentive to everything that happens around.