The charming Istanbul will become even more beautiful

Istanbul’s city authorities decided to ennoble and embellish this ancient city in order to attract new tourists. After all, the city, which was at different times the capital of three world empires, has what to show travelers. Especially for guests of the metropolis, which is located on the border of Europe and Asia, a new green zone will be created. Already in 2013, on the Sultananmet Square, you can see new landscapes. The city administration has already issued a written order about this.

The new park will be over the tank basilic. Previously, there was a road and some administrative buildings of provincial significance.

According to the leadership of Istanbul, they were poorly combined with historical attractions in the vicinity and spoiled the image.

According to the project, in the New Park on the main square of Istanbul, summer cafes will work, in the green zone you can have a good time. From here it will be easy to get to the main pride of the city – the ayia Sofia mosque, as well as to the tank of the basil, the Golden Horn Bay and Sultananmet. It is here that many excursion routes begin, at a short distance the colorful eastern bazaar is noisy. Here it will be possible to enjoy the vacation and meal after a busy day.