Beach vacation in Egypt and Egypt’s holidays

Beach vacation is exactly the rest that is an excellent choice for the whole family. The most popular place among Russians are Egypt beaches. The fact is that tourist trips to this country are inexpensive, you can come to rest at almost any time of the year. And naturally, the sea is the primary bait. It can be called a reserve that will open for you the beautiful underwater world. So diving lovers who are special about this country. But besides this, there are many more water sports that you can do – it is rowing, water skiing, and windsurfing. On any beach you will be offered an umbrella, and if the beach is the property of the hotel where you stopped, then the umbrella will get you completely free. Those who cannot deny themselves shopping even on vacation may not be worried – purchases will decorate your time. Bars and restaurants are also at your disposal – for every taste and wallet. The most popular are Egyptian resorts such as charm El Sheikh and Hurghada. The cities data have long become a favorite place for lovers of underwater swimming. Those who like to conquer the sea depths can contact one of the diving centers that have been acting in Egypt for decades and have never made it possible to doubt their reputation. Rest on the beach is just wonderful. But you can kill three birds with one at once, going to Egypt for the New Year. First, you get, why are you going-you will have a great rest. Secondly, you will celebrate the New Year, as they celebrate it in Egypt. Thirdly, you will return home when there will be ice and snow on the street, and you are with a good summer mood and bronze tanning. Isn’t that excellent? There are holidays (such as described above) that celebrate around the world, but there are those that are characteristic only of certain countries. One of these holidays is Ramadan. He is Muslim, and therefore is unusual for a Russian tourist. And a popular holiday in Egypt can be called Jam En-Nessam. It is celebrated on Monday, which goes immediately after Easter (Coptic). This Easter coincides with our (Orthodox).This spring holiday makes all residents of the country get out of houses and arrange picnics. Of course, before flying to rest in Egypt, it is better to look into the Egyptian calendar of the holidays. Then you can not just relax, but see how the holidays celebrate abroad and what they are like. In addition, do not forget that the sea also treats! And not only the body, but also the soul! Did you know that the two weeks of beach holidays will charge you with energy for six months. The sea resort is very beneficial on the skin of a person – the skin is replenished with various macro – and trace elements, minerals, organic substances. All this is rich in not only catfish water, but also sea air, which has long been called therapeutic. Numerous crystals penetrate the skin and give it velvety, freshness, elasticity. And the salt and iodine contained in the air clean the respiratory tract, and a person breathes easily and freely.