Precious Sri Lanka

Not far from the equator is a small island of Sri Lanka. This is an island where the eternal summer, and local nature affects splendor and brightness. The island located in the white reefs, looks like a pearl in the blue surface of the Indian Ocean.

Due to its location on the island, high temperature is standing all year. The mountain massif protects the island from cold winds. As a rule, there is a rainy, wet summer and dry winter here. It is best to get out on vacation, starting from November and ending with March.

One of the best places to relax in Sri Lanka is a small town of Nilaveli. He is like a pearl, in an emerald frame, the jungle opens the twisted -in -season beaches, around which, like fragments of topazes, coral islands are scattered. Ah, the main diamond of this place is the PIGEON Island Beach Resort Hotel.

But, Sri Lanka is famous, not only his beaches. One of the attractions of Sri Lanka is the high mountain of Sigiria. In the 5th century, a stone fortress was built on the top of the mountain, which was the royal shelter. At the very top, the huge throne of the king is still stored.

In Podonnaruva, the ruins of the ancient capital of the state can be found. This is a place where you can look at the ruins of the palace, in which there are giant statues of the god Buddha. The largest sculptures here are three statues with the image of the Buddha, carved right in the rocks.

The penalty has the largest botanical garden throughout Asia, with the rarest alleys of palm trees, with a wide variety of all kinds of tropics plants. The whole tropical world is presented in this garden.

Rice with Curry sauce is a favorite and most common dish that is served here. You can also taste fish and seafood, meat, poultry, vegetables. Fruits on the island are very tasty and inexpensive: these are pineapples, and several varieties of bananas, mangoes, avocado, papaya, coconuts.

The main religion in Sri Lanka is Buddhism, Hinduists are the main population. There are also Muslims and Christians-Catholics, but there are much less of them. Supporters of primitive beliefs – Vedas. The population is still divided into castes, superstitions and beliefs of ancient cults are quite strong enough.

Sri Lanka-Great Place for Shopping. There is a large selection of goods, and the prices are more than reasonable. With some hotels there are shops. In Ratnapur, you can purchase various jewelry: topazes, diamonds. The island is mining sapphires, grenades, lunar stone. There is a very good textile, the price is happy. The most common souvenirs are silver and copper products. Potter craft is also developed, products are painted, decorated, they are very beautiful.

It is necessary to be attentive to the requirements of the export of goods. So, for example, on the removal of books, manuscripts, ivory, precious stones that were not processed, a large amount of tea, a special resolution is necessary. And expensive things and objects are subject to declarations so that they can be taken freely.