Haiti is an island that is part of a group of large Antille Islands.

On the island you can find a lot of beautiful landscapes, a unique flavor of the local population and visit incendiary dances, hear local songs and visit an exotic show. Naturally, it is necessary to try a variety of local cuisine, which differs in piquancy and will make any rest exotic and unusual. A feature of Haiti are mountains, since they are distinguished by excellent landscapes, height, beauty and make it possible to perfectly organize their active rest. The first thing you will see upon arrival is a series of tall and unusually beautiful mountains. It is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of visiting a couple of them and see the beauty of landscapes. You can also get acquainted with unusual cults and rituals in the country. The country of Haiti is considered one of the poorest in the world. Here they are mainly engaged in the cultivation of tropical plants, since they grow and develop perfectly, give excellent crops. On the plateau, you can grow fruits and vegetables that are designed for a moderate climate. The country is actively exporting some products: coffee, sugarcane and sisal. The mountains perfectly protect from the wind, so the climate on Haiti is a tropical passive. Naturally, in the mountainous areas the climate is much cooler, which is important to consider when planning hiking in the mountains. Among the vegetation, you can often find cacti, tropical forests and pines. Port-O-Prens-the capital of Haiti, which has suffered greatly from the earthquake in 2010, so it is not recommended to visit it yet. Many tourists neglect precautions and go to white beaches. There are several unique tourist centers in the country, which you must see everyone who came to the country. Near Krua-de-Book, you can see salty lakes from flamingos, various kinds of other exotic birds and animals. Craftsmen and blacksmiths live here, who work in an unusual style. Be sure to visit them and look at their work, which is more like a ritual. Not far from the city of Zhakmel is a natural monument – a blue pool. It looks like three deep blue lakes, which are interconnected by cascades of beautiful waterfalls. The city of Cap-Avyatien is considered historical and resort at the same time, so here you can find a lot of attractions and visit beautiful beaches.