
The capital of the Maldives is the island of Male. If, usually with the word “capital”, a city of significant sizes with a huge number of modern business centers appear, then in this case it is not so. Male is a very small island. Its area is only 1.8 square meters. km. Speaking more understandable, then lovers of long runs in the morning simply will not be able to accelerate here. Although on such an island you can perfectly relax and spend leave time, which is why tours to the Maldives are in very high demand. Given the small area, it is simply amazing how many large mosques, national museums, a huge number of stores and even a large market are available here. E entertainment in the capital’s vacation will be available to you fishing and famous crabies. To take part in the game, it is enough to purchase a crab on the coast for a completely insignificant amount. And if during fishing you managed to catch someone, then you can immediately direct it as your dinner with the help of a cafe working nearby. In a word, a male tour will give you an incredible number of a wide variety of impressions. For diving lovers, the Maldives are considered a real paradise. In the Maldives, the most popular type of entertainment and rest is precisely diving. The main part of the fauna here lives close to corals in the water column. It is here that more than nine hundred varieties of fish lives, most of which are no longer found anywhere on the planet. Those who have seen coral reefs once in their lives will never refuse to visit them again. In the process of relaxing in the Maldives, everyone has the opportunity to undergo training with a diving instructor, or you can immerse yourself. Almost every hotel of the Maldives has its own diving center, in which experienced diving instructors work. If you have chosen the main lesson on vacation diving, then you have the right to independently choose a place for diving, which you will like most. Beginning divers usually plunge near the island on which they stopped. It is better to start with minor depths, and then dive deeper. More experienced divers prefer rest on long coral reefs. It is important to remember that the visibility in the water column directly depends on the time of the year, so the winter season is the most optimal for diving, it is then that water is the most clean. There are more than a hundred places for immersion in the Maldives, so you can choose any of them for yourself.