New Year’s Islands

This holiday can be celebrated in different ways.

Classically: with the smell of tangerines and needles, hissing champagne bubbles in glasses, the presidential performance and chimes fighting. You sit at home and you can’t tell you to the street. But did you want to leave the Russian winter for a while and fly the hot countries, where the gentle sun and the marble-sand shores? After all, this is really a holiday! The holiday is not in New Year’s attributes, but in the New Year, updated mood. And the Maldives are the place where you return to the young and updated. This is the best place to start a new life in the new year. Instead of a Christmas tree – fluffy palm trees, instead of tangerines – coconuts, instead of the president – friendly staff. In the Maldives you can ride not only in the “velvet season”, but also on the New Year holidays. Here the air temperature does not fall below + and this is a real “rest for the lazy”. This resort acquired this name thanks to its wonderful beaches: here you can fry in the sun for hours and swim in the waters of the Indian Ocean. And the most popular hobby on the island is diving. Here, almost every hotel has their own schools of this sport.

Visiting local attractions will leave for a long time only the best memories. For example, in the noisy capital of Male with narrow streets, a lot of attention of tourists, the Presidential Palace, the National Museum, which is located in the Sultan Park, as well as the burial of the Maldives of the Saints, deserves. It is worth visiting the colorful Maldives of the Bazaars, where you can buy excellent gifts and souvenirs for friends and relatives for the New Year holidays. Such exotic gifts will be a real surprise for snowy Russians: shells, corals of all rainbow colors in the form of jewelry, caskets, bamboo masks and many different handmade crafts.

For those who came to the Maldives, hotels for the New Year are organizing various entertainment shows. Restaurants offer excellent kitchen dishes, elite alcohol, natural mango juices, pineapples and marakui. Almost every hotel (such as Angsana Maldives Velavaru) is equipped with a SPA center, which is specially developing its festive recreational programs by the New Year.

New Year can be held on another island – Mauritius. Here industry and large cities are as rare as rain or snow. Instead, there are national parks and elite resorts on the island. When all Russians ride skates and skiing, guests of Mauritius take walks on snow -white yachts, fish on the open sea, go on excursions to the Holy Lake in a crater of an extinct volcano. In winter on Mauritius, it is best to get acquainted with botanical gardens and reserves. After all, it is at this time of the year that exotic plants give guests of the islands bright colors and amazing colors. But the surfers are best come to Mauritius not for the New Year, but in the summer. The fact is that the waves and wind in the winter season are extremely insignificant, so classes of this sport can break.

A real tropical summer reigns here in winter. New Year’s tours to Mauritius are particularly popular with divers, because the Indian ocean is fraught with real treasures that can be explored endlessly. In general, the island of Mauritius is the capital of diving. Come and see for yourself.