Rest in the village

If you have a vacation ahead, but there is no opportunity to go to the sea or to a nearby sanatorium, do not despair. You can relax fun in the village.

First we decide on the choice of rural areas. In order to get pleasure from relaxation, give preference to villages, next to which there is a pond suitable for bathing, and forest. But these conditions correspond to the majority of rural settlements. In addition, try to drive away from the house at a decent distance. So, you will get rid of the sensation of the proximity of a city apartment, gain a sense of travel, survive all the troubles associated with preparation for vacation.

Where we will live?

Now let’s think about the place of residence. If you are going to your grandmother, then the issue of finding housing, as well as its payment, are automatically withdrawn. But even if you are traveling with savages, then in places of accumulation of tourists, finding housing in a nearby village will not be difficult. Picture nature, national monuments, excursions, beautiful lakes – all this is fully accessible to those who are located in one of the villages. At the same time, do not forget that the locals have long made a reception of tourists – their earnings, so they will gladly provide you with quite acceptable conditions with amenities, and if desired they can even provide you with delicious dinners.

What’s the plan?

If, by the will of circumstances, you find yourself in a remote village away from civilization, then here you will find interesting entertainment in your own way. Hunting, fishing, collecting mushrooms and berries – all this is a unique opportunity to break away from noisy city life. Such a vacation will also benefit children to children. Where else to get acquainted with native nature, if not in the village? Harbarium design, crafts made of natural material, drawing up an observation diary will not only help to take time, but also enrich the horizons of the baby. Do not be too lazy to take a tent with you and organize a sortie into the forest or to the river bank. Overnight in camping conditions has long become a kind of exotic for citizens. Songs by the fire, baked potatoes, earlier, prepared on fire, do not forget the teapots at home, since tea from a tin mug will be sure to be remembered for a long time. Not to mention sunset or dawn over the river … by conducting a vacation in the village, you can also get acquainted with the features of rural life. You can ask the hosts to show how they milk a cow, allow you to feed the horses, collect cherries, beat firewood, etc. And of course, do not forget to take a steam bath in the bath. In general, rural tourism is an opportunity for a great rest with minimal costs. Be sure to take a camera or camera with you – your village adventures need to be captured for a long memory. Also, funds from mosquitoes will not be superfluous. It is usually even difficult to even imagine how many of them can be. If possible, also take a ball or badminton – this will allow you to arrange an impromptu tournament. Good rest in the village!