
Every year Russian people in Spain are becoming more and more. Someone goes there in order to make money, someone to purchase real estate, and there are those who stay there for permanent residence. The exact number of these immigrants is unknown, in view of the fact that upon arrival in this country, Russians are in no hurry to update the passport. Therefore, even the Russian Consulate in Spain does not own reliable information on this subject. Of course, the documents change over time, and citizenship from Russian to Spanish is changing with them. Double citizenship in this country is a rare case (only for newborn and citizens of Latin America), so if someone approves the opposite, take a closer look at this person, you may have a fraudster in front of you. The Spaniards are a friendly people and are very loyal to both immigrants from Russia and any other foreigners. Here you can meet the Germans, and Chinese, and Ukrainians, and Belarusians. What is interesting, the Spaniards of all residents of the countries of the former USSR call Russian. We are for them, like the Chinese for us – all on one face. But do not pay attention to this fact, they do it not from evil, and who will analyze us the Slavs at first sight. Russians in Barcelona Catalonia – Barcelona is rightfully considered the city of multinational contrasts. Wherever I go, whether it is a school, a dinner, and just on the street – you can hear Chinese, French, German, English speech. Just the Spaniards are a very good-natured and loyal people and the stay of foreigners in their country (city) is more likely for them than some nonsense. The attitude towards former Russians is no exception. It is unlikely that some Russian living in Barcelona for more than one year can convict the Spaniard in a bad attitude towards him. Although, for example, in Bilbao, where tourists are very rare, the indigenous population is the Basques to foreigners. But in the hospitable and modern Barcelona, ​​things are completely different. Here, any child, not only Spanish, has the opportunity to safely go to school and receive education on a par with other students. Just like any adult foreigner can get a job. The only obstacle for communication is the language barrier. Therefore, before taking Spanish citizenship, it is worth at least a little to master the language of this amazing and multinational country. If you are also interested in the organization of holidays, then we recommend that you follow the link, for more complete information about the organization of holidays, perhaps this is exactly what will be of interest.