Sri Lanka – a gift for the New Year

Everyone knows that New Year’s Eve is a time of magic, a time of gifts, fairy tales and Santa Claus. Someone chooses for this holiday northern Russian neighbors, but it seems to be too banal. It’s time to break stereotypes and radically change the direction for more magic and fairy tales, give yourself a gift – decide to rest in Sri Lanka. It will really be enchanting and truly unforgettable!

And you know, as the local residents call the island of Sri Lanka-“a tear on the cheek of India”. Romantic, is it not true?

Sri Lanka or formerly the island of Ceylon, these are wonderful beaches and warm waters of the Indian ocean, high coconut palm trees and amazing waterfalls and unusual beauty hills. The natural beauty of the island is in perfect harmony with the majestic Buddhist temples, and the ruins of the oldest cities, with the unique monuments of architecture of the past and real. Sri Lanka is considered one of the most ancient places on the planet. Rumor has it that it was in these places that Adam and Eve were born, but that legend. But the ancient artifact called the “Holy Tooth” is definitely here. Sri Lanka should be visited at least in order to feel an inexplicable feeling of calm and some special mental balance.

The best time to visit the island – all year round. There is no need to receive visas, Sri Lanka is a visa-free place. Flowers on Sri Lanka everywhere, a flower garland meets every guest. The Srilankians are incredibly friendly and very smiling, incredibly curious, but bad.

New Year on Sri Lanka is considered a special holiday. Time on the island pass elephants, and locals take aromatic baths, participating in a special ritual of purification. Healing paste and wood of the sacred tree of Bo are added to the water, which makes modern cosmetics incredibly expensive.

In addition to all this, of course, you can simply enjoy the gentle sun, warm sand and amazing sunsets that are only in this wonderful resort place with the bewitching name of Sri Lanka. And what is most important? The most important thing is to take with you a small piece of this place, perhaps it will be a real Ceylon tea, a skilled batik, amazing spices or precious pebbles from the bottom of the Indian Ocean, which will certainly remind of this unforgettable trip. But the most luxurious New Year’s gift will be Sri Lanka herself.