Tourist Egypt.

Tourist Egypt is well known not only by the unique monuments of ancient civilization, but also by a very inexpensive year -round beach vacation. Any travel fan of travel, even having a little marketing in the field of tourism, will call several Egyptian resorts, beaches and tourist centers where you can have a nice and interesting relax.

The selection of the tour depends on the purpose of the trip and individual preferences of the vacationer. Various tour operators in Egypt can offer many interesting and exciting routes. These are the Khurgada resorts popular with our compatriots and the famous Shah-El-Sheikh, many centers for diving in the Red Sea, youth-democratic Dahab, and, for example, the Nueba resort perfectly suitable for family vacation. The El -Gunu is known to all, which is often called Egyptian Venice – hotels and numerous beaches are located here on small islands that bind the pursuing boats among themselves.

In the vastness of the country you can get acquainted with the whole heritage of ancient Egypt. The most striking attractions: Cheops pyramid, Sphinx Giza, Luxor Temple, the world famous Egyptian museum. Travelers are attracted by many monuments of Christian and Muslim cultures. The capital of the state of Cairo is the largest city of the entire African continent. The modern capital is located a little north of the place where Memphis was located, the main city of Ancient Egypt. City quarters located along the Nile are now built up with high -rise buildings. There are also shopping centers, hotels, many cafes and restaurants.

Cairo Central Square at-Tahrir concentration of the state and political life of the state. The silhouettes of the old city have remained almost unchanged since the Middle Ages. Here you can see the ruins of the Roman fortress. In general, the architecture of the city is amazing variety. The interweaving of historical eras, various architectural styles, cultural traditions makes an unforgettable impression on tourists. Egypt as a tourist country is rightfully one of the most visited by travelers. Depending on the mood, interests, age, any tourist will find everything necessary for himself here all year round for himself for a pleasant vacation.

You just need to do the selection of a tour correctly. Ancient Luxor cannot but impress amateurs of antiquity, history and researchers of civilizations. Ideal for family vacation Calm resort Nuevib. And the resorts of the Hurghada and the tired of the sun and surrounded by the mountains of Sharm El-shih are oases with high-rise and modern hotels, the western level of service, offering entertainment for every taste and for any age. Places drowning in green, sunny beaches and lagons, sea air and clean water – all this is a vacation in Egypt, where antiquity is a bizarre but harmonious way intertwined with modernity.