Tours to Guinles, Cuba.

Russian tourists have always preferred rest in the southern parts with their warm climate and exotic nature. The sunny cube did not go unnoticed – a friendly country in which you will not have to miss a minute. In addition, cheap rest in Cuba, the cost of tours to this country can be found on the Internet, today is quite real, because you can buy vouchers at a discount at any time of the year.

30 km from Havana, the capital of Cuba, there was a charming town of Guines, founded by the Spaniards in 1737. After 100 years, it was through Havana and Guines that one of the first railways of Latin America paved her way. In this town in the territory of 445 km² 69 thousand inhabitants live close.

The city perfectly succeeds in various industries: energy, construction and growing grain crops. But Guines is famous not only for alcohol and tobacco products, which is actively exporting to European countries. This is a favorite city of many foreign tourists.

Guines is always open to visitors and is ready to offer rest for every taste. Soft tropical climate, warm Caribbean sea, lingering mountain ranges and stormy mountain rivers, exotic plants – as if nature itself tried to turn this place into a real paradise for vacationers. And although inexpensive trips to the Netherlands, the cost of which is small, attract the attention of tourists more, it is worth noting that you can have a great rest in Cuba.

For those who are not enough to relax and relax among the burning beauty of nature, the water sports are very popular in these parts. Diving, fishing, sailing – choose, try, enjoy. In winter, nothing will prevent you from skiing from high local mountains.

If you are more attracted to the city itself, its nightlife and centuries -old traditions, you can safely go to the nearest night club, where your body will glow with heat from the incendiary rhythm of local dances. Add to this exquisite dishes of local cuisine, strong rum and aromatic cigars, and you can assume that life in a cube has been a success. It should be noted that local residents know a lot about real entertainment.

An interesting cultural program has been invented for curious tourists. In the Historical Museum, you can familiarize yourself with archaeological finds, including artifacts of ancient civilizations. In museums of contemporary art, the canvases of artists of the 19th century and the current era are put on display. It will be interesting for people who are fond of painting to trace the differences in artistic styles and trends in authentic Cuban art. The tourism infrastructure of the city is very well developed here, and it can be safely said. that you will certainly appeal to the vacation in Guinles. In addition, it is worth noting that it is pleasant to rest here not only with friends, but with the family, because young guests will definitely not have to get bored.

It is important to note that in the context of excursion tours you can not only familiarize yourself with the sights of various corners of Cuba, but also visit other countries: for example, Peru, Chile or Dominican Republic. Having passed the standard verification procedure and ordering the appropriate ticket at Havana Airport, you can fly to the next Latin American fairy tale. But don’t even think to forget about Guinles – you will certainly want to return here again. And even discounts on burning tours to Israel in May in May will no longer seem so attractive. After all, you can buy inexpensive tours to Cuba at any time of the year.