Travel to North Palmyra

Many ladies love autumn, rains and fogs, and therefore prefer to take a vacation precisely at this time of the year. Where to go in order to feel the charm of this season with all the fullness, plunge into its beauty?

The city of St. Petersburg is truly a place where you can forget about everything in the world. Thin strict lines created by human hands perfectly complement the strict creations of nature in their own way. This city does not know violent colors, it will be tightened, modest and correct. Many come to St. Petersburg to catch something elusive, ephemeral than Dostoevsky’s novels were permeated, and what was the exciting essence of the “Silver Age”. Of course, walks around the city, visiting attractions-Peterhof, Pavlovsk, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Isaac’s Cathedral, Hermitage-will take most of your time, but it is also worth paying attention to a worthy rest. And then at your service the mini-hotel of St. Petersburg. There are a lot of such small cozy hotels here. The State Corps is well known, which is located in the Historical District of St. Petersburg, near the Vladimir metro station. The hotel is located in the 19th century building, which was recently completely restored.Arkady – a completely new mini -hotel located on the banks of the Moika River – offers its guests modern amenities and comfortable accommodation in the historical part of St. Petersburg. From here such world -famous attractions as Isaakievskaya Square, Nevsky Prospekt, Kazan Cathedral are clearly visible. Hotel “Austrian Dvorik” is located in the historical area of ​​the city, near the Tauride Garden and Litein Prospekt. Austrian, German, American and Finnish consulates are located nearby. Hotel “Brothers Karamazovs”, opened in May 2004, has become a kind of symbol of the 301th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg. This cozy mini-hotel offers 28 numbers, and is located in the historical district of St. Petersburg, near the memorial museum-apartment. M. Dostoevsky. Mini-Hotel “At the Hermitage” is located in the very center of the city. The rooms are furnished with an exquisite taste, which makes the stay in them especially pleasant. In combination with conference halls, the hotel also provides the organization of tours in St. Petersburg and its suburbs, services of guides and translators, campaigns in museums, booking tickets to theaters. In a word, you will have something to choose from, because the mini-hotels of St. Petersburg meet modern international standards and offer convenient numbers to the most exquisite taste.