What is needed to travel to Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is a closed country, which is quite difficult to get into. Wild and cruel morals that reign in it, at first glance, scare away, but as soon as you learn a little more about this mysterious place, you will certainly want to visit it. However, if you noticed, in travel agencies you can not buy a ticket to Saudi Arabia, since the country is practically closed to tourists. But, as they say, who is aware – he is armed.

Of course, the first thing to think about is the language. If you want to go to Saudi Arabia, then, of course, you need to sign up for the Arabic language courses, since the main language in this country is Arabic. Also, the biggest problem when visiting Saudi Arabia is considered to acquire a visa. It’s almost impossible to just visit and look at the country, but as a business trip it is much easier to get into the country. In a saddest situation, women are located – they can only get to the country at the invitation of a man who is either a close relative or husband. There is no third. If you are a bride or just a “girlfriend”, then entering the country is still impossible.

The foundations of the country’s life are important information that cannot be neglected. Having made a small oversight, you can bring the anger of the people and the authorities, which means – wait for troubles. Of course, no one is going to execute a guilty tourist right on the spot, but “politely” to ask to leave the country – most likely. If you are in the country, then remember: women do not have the right to drive a car. The rule is one for everyone: for both residents and tourists. You can hire a taxi on the recommendation of a hotel or a close relative, but a woman is allowed to sit only in the rear seat of a car.

It is far from a secret that for the wedding the groom needs a large amount of money, otherwise the bride’s father will be forced to refuse the man. If a person is not able to provide a woman with a roof over her head, then he will live in proud loneliness without female attention, and this does not affect his behavior very well. Due to this situation, the country has increased crime, or more precisely incidents of rape and murders. Thus, the girl is not recommended to walk without the accompaniment of her husband and father, not only because of etiquette, but also elementary safety. Do not be too naive, getting into a foreign country.

Clothing is a separate item to which you should carefully consider. On the territory of Saudi Arabia, women of Muslims are required to cover their heads – this is the law. Do not forget about the traditional female robe Abay. Abai is a dressing dress that a woman should wear in all public places and exceptionally black. The rules must adhere to both local residents and tourists from Europe.

As a conclusion, do not forget that all religions except Islam are prohibited in Saudi Arabia. This does not mean that Christians or Buddhists will not miss the country, but all religious objects (cross, Bible, figurines) are better not to import into the country at all. Otherwise, your problems will begin at the airport.