When the season is in Tunisia?

Season, this concept is relative. For outdoor activities and visiting attractions, it is clear when the season is in Tunisia, when it is not very hot. But tourists value and love this unique, mild climate of the country at any time of the year. Among the Arab countries, this state is recognized as the best place for long -term residence. The season for each type of rest begins at different times of the year. If during your stay in Tunisia you are in constant movement, then it is better to be there in the winter or autumn period. In summer, the temperature ranges from twenty -three, to thirty -five degrees of heat, but in July it is not rare to rise to forty -five degrees. On the beach, it softens by the sea breeze, and it no longer seems that it is very hot.

Therefore, when the season is in Tunisia, choose you. Tunisia is very attracted to family people with children. The beaches of this country are perfect for children: clean sand, without a single pebble, as well as a gentle entrance to the sea. In addition, in hotels, for children there are significant discounts on all types of services. Typically, families with children go to Tunisia for the summer holidays. At this time, there is an abundance of fruits and berries, a good opportunity to improve health and strengthen their children’s immunity.