What can you buy in Cambodia?

Tourists who are going to visit this small and poor country can ask themselves a question – what can be bought in Cambodia as a souvenir? Since the prices here are very low and you can dress from head to toe for $ 30, in order to buy souvenirs to all your relatives and friends, you will not have to save. There are three goods in Cambodia, which are recognized as the best in the world and they must be purchased. First of all, you need to pay attention to silver jewelry and crafts, as well as other jewelry from precious stones. The only thing in order to purchase such products, you need to be an expert in this matter, since there are many fakes in the markets. In addition to the fact that you can buy various jewelry in Cambodge, here you can purchase products made of natural silk. Women’s scarves and scarves, handmade dresses – all this weighs little and is a great gift. Well, the last thing you can buy in Cambodia is a wild honey from the jungle, palm sugar, dried ginger and world -famous white and black pepper from the province of Kampot. It is worth noting that recently, local primitive painting, which is sold here almost for nothing, has been successful.