What we take with us?

For the first time traveling on vacation to Turkey, you can give several useful tips, regarding what may be needed on a trip. First of all, this is a necessary package of documents: 1) a foreign passport, the validity of which ends no earlier than 3 months after the trip to end.2) insurance policy (issued by a tour operator).3) flights4) tourist vouchers (documents confirming the right to live at the hotel, meals, and so on). At the same time, the insurance policy, a ticket and voucher can be obtained at the airport before starting registration if there is a representative office of your tour operator (there are special racks for representatives of travel companies at international airports).The Turkish visa will be needed only if the time of your stay in Turkey exceeds 30 days, or you visit Turkey several times in six months, with the total stay there for more than 90 days. Restriction on the weight of the suitcase handed over to baggage – no more than 25 kg. Manual luggage (which you can take with you to the plane) should weigh no more than 5 kg per person. It is forbidden to take any fluid exceeding one hundred milliliters (100 g) in it.The exception is only drinks and cosmetics purchased in the Duty -Fri store packaged in special packages. At the same time, it is prohibited to violate the integrity of packages before planting. As a currency, it is best to take US dollars with them – in Turkey, they have walking almost everywhere, unlike the euro. It is possible to export up to 10 thousand in cash per person from Russia, $ can import into Turkey in unlimited quantities. Mandatory record the phones of the Russian consulate and your tour operator in the notebook. Also take with you a first -aid kit in which you put all the drugs you regularly taken by you. In addition, it is advisable to take: aspirin; bactericidal patch; analgesic (analgin, ketanov, etc. D.); preparations for stomach disorders; Protective creams for tanning. However, if something has forgotten, then at the resort to purchase the necessary common medicine (such as aspirin or analgin) will not be difficult. In the case of contacting a doctor for medical insurance and acquisition by his prescription, keep a check from the pharmacy – the money should be returned to you with arrival home. It is advisable to take with you the most convenient for visiting restaurants or nightclubs. The rest can be inexpensively purchased already on the spot – from beach slippers and towels to t -shirts and panamas. Photo – and video equipment with a set of batteries and batteries is better to take with you. In Turkey, the equipment is very expensive, including batteries (up to $ 5 apiece). Food in Turkey is quite cheap. True, there are no vodka, condensed milk, mayonnaise, rye bread on local bazaars and stores. The quality of sausages also leaves much to be desired. Everything else can be bought already on the spot, and cheaper than in Russia. So there are no reasons to drag stuffed bags with a bit with a bit.